Oregon’s Biohazard Cleaners

Call 24/7 For Help or Information

  • We Accept ALL Insurance

  • No Out of Pocket Cost

  • Emergency Same Day Service

  • Licensed & Bonded

  • Locally Owned & Operated

  • Available 24 Hours A Day

Post-Remediation Evaluation Overview

Once the work has been completed, one of the BioteamOR owners or a senior technician will conduct a post-remediation evaluation to ensure that the property has been restored to safe, sanitary conditions.

The evaluation includes:

  • Visual Inspection
  • Olfactory Inspection
  • Chemical Testing
  • ATP Testing

We hold ourselves to the highest standards and upon request will provide a post-remediation certification to you, to property management, or to your insurance company.  We want to provide you with peace of mind that the property is safe to return to once we have completed our final evaluation.


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How It Works

Continue reading about our thorough remediation process and how it works – our team is here to help alleviate your stress.

Bacteria & Germ Testing

Our technicians at BioteamOR perform ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) tests at the start and end of our remediation service. The ATP test allows us to measure the presence of actively growing odor-causing microorganisms.

Personal Property List

Items that have been in contact with bodily fluids and are porous or semi-porous must undergo appropriate treatment. In most cases, these items will need to be disposed of at an approved biohazardous waste treatment facility.

Document Retrieval

If we find that any important documents have been directly damaged with biohazard, the senior technician will explain the procedures required in order to salvage as much information from the documents as possible.