Oregon’s Biohazard Cleaners

Call 24/7 For Help or Information

  • We Accept ALL Insurance

  • No Out of Pocket Cost

  • Emergency Same Day Service

  • Licensed & Bonded

  • Locally Owned & Operated

  • Available 24 Hours A Day

Claims Process Overview

In our experience, most homeowner’s insurance companies cover the cost of biohazard remediation involving homicide, suicide, and unattended deaths that occur at the insured property. If you have insurance and would like to file a claim for any of our services, BioteamOR will help you manage and navigate the entire insurance claims process:

  • We will assist you with contacting the homeowner’s insurance company to start the claim.

  • We work directly with the insurance company on all steps of the claim to ensure the work is covered by the insurance policy.
  • We advocate for you, the client, and do not affiliate with any insurance companies. This allows us to act in the best interest of our clients without any conflicts of interest.
  • We document the entire cleanup process from beginning to end. This includes bacteria and germ testing, pictures of all phases of the work, documentation of all items disposed of due to impact, etc.
  • Our claims specialists work with you to ensure all needs are met including assisting with personal property damage and rebuild of biohazard remediation.

Some insurance companies require prior approval before we start the decontamination process. If this is the case, a Senior Technician from BioteamOR will go to your property to assess the scope of impact. We will implement measures to slow down the decomposition process and assist with killing bacteria and odor. We can also assist in retrieving vital documents or other items from inside of the insured property when requested.

Biohazard Cleanup & Service Timeline

Each biohazard cleanup is different so we cannot guarantee a timeline of completion. Most work can be finished in 24-72 hours depending on the complexity of the situation. Due to the nature of our services, you might be unable to stay in your home while we work. If that is the case, BioteamOR will provide you with a complimentary hotel room for the duration of our services.


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How BioteamOR Can Help You

We understand that dealing with the aftermath of traumatic events can be incredibly challenging, and the additional tasks of cleaning and managing insurance can be overwhelming. Our team is here to help alleviate your stress. We conduct thorough testing before and after cleaning, assist with document retrieval, and provide full support throughout the insurance claims process. By entrusting these responsibilities to us, you can focus on healing and recovery, knowing that we have your back every step of the way.

Bacteria & Germ Testing

Just because something looks clean doesn’t mean that it is. Our technicians at BioteamOR perform ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) tests at the start and end of our remediation service. The ATP test allows us to measure the presence of actively growing odor-causing microorganisms (bacteria). This helps us assess the extent of biohazard impact in the affected property.

Personal Property List

Items that have been in contact with bodily fluids and are porous or semi-porous must undergo appropriate treatment. In most cases, these items will need to be disposed of at an approved biohazardous waste treatment facility. Providing photographic evidence along with this documentation is crucial to calculate the loss of these items, especially when presenting a claim to your insurance company. Depending on your policy, your insurance company may offer replacement or reimbursement for some of the affected belongings.

Document Retrieval

Paper is very absorbent. If it has been directly impacted with blood or other potentially infectious materials, it must be transported to an approved medical waste facility for destruction. If we find that any important documents have been directly damaged with biohazard, the senior technician will explain the procedures required in order to salvage as much information from the documents as possible.

Post-Remediation Evaluation

We strive for excellence and adhere to the highest standards in our work. If requested, we are happy to provide a post-remediation certification to you, property management, or your insurance company. This certification serves as proof that the property has undergone thorough evaluation and is deemed safe for occupancy after our meticulous assessment and remediation process. Our aim is to provide you with the assurance and peace of mind that the property is ready for your return.