Oregon’s Biohazard Cleaners

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  • We Accept ALL Insurance

  • No Out of Pocket Cost

  • Emergency Same Day Service

  • Licensed & Bonded

  • Locally Owned & Operated

  • Available 24 Hours A Day

Bacteria & Germ Testing Overview

On an average day, if a person sees something that looks clean, they assume it is clean. However, we know that a visual inspection is only the beginning. Our technicians at BioteamOR perform ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) tests at the beginning and end of our cleanup service. The ATP test allows us to measure the presence of actively growing microorganisms (bacteria). This helps us assess the impact of viable bacteria and organic debris to the property. ATP tests have been used to evaluate the cleanliness of food preparation surfaces at restaurants for more than thirty years. They are now used by hospitals, restaurants, labs, airlines, and government agencies to measure bacteria and germs.

Professional Bacteria & Germ Testing

Although the national standard for Trauma and Crime Scene Cleaning set forth by IICRC does not require ATP Testing as part of the protocol, we perform rapid testing to verify infection control. We shoot to reach the nationwide standard for department of health inspection at restaurants.

Learn more about CDC Guidelines for Environmental Evaluation


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Bacteria & Germ Testing Process

BioteamOR’s technicians have the knowledge and the equipment to provide superior service in any situation that may arise. Our approach of monitoring bacteria and germ levels through ATP testing allows us to validate the success of our cleaning process.

  • A special swab is used to wipe a sample surface area, which is then analyzed using a portable handheld ATP reader.

  • ATP rapid testing provides on-the-spot feedback on surface cleanliness. The total amount that the ATP test reads includes both microbial and non-microbial ATP.

  • High readings are an indication of the presence of bacterial and organic ATP, helping identify the potential for hazardous biological material.

  • After the cleaning and disinfection process has been completed, another ATP test is performed. If the readings are outside of an acceptable range, the entire cleaning process begins again, followed by another ATP test.

Our standards of clean exceed other biohazard companies so that you can rest easy knowing your home, business, or vehicle is once again safe to enter.

How It Works

Continue reading about our thorough remediation process and how it works – our team is here to help alleviate your stress.

Personal Property List

Items that have been in contact with bodily fluids and are porous or semi-porous must undergo appropriate treatment. In most cases, these items will need to be disposed of at an approved biohazardous waste treatment facility.

Document Retrieval

If we find that any important documents have been directly damaged with biohazard, the senior technician will explain the procedures required in order to salvage as much information from the documents as possible.

Post-Remediation Evaluation

If requested, we are happy to provide a post-remediation certification to you, property management, or your insurance company. This certification serves as proof that the property has undergone thorough evaluation.