Oregon’s Biohazard Cleaners

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  • Emergency Same Day Service

  • Licensed & Bonded

  • Locally Owned & Operated

  • Available 24 Hours A Day

Hoarding Cleanup Service Overview

Hoarding disorder is a condition that affects up to 2.5% of the population and can cause severe distress to the people experiencing it. A home that is too full of possessions or items can present a variety of health hazards to its occupants including: fire hazards, trip hazards, insect or rodent infestations, and more. The structure or fixtures of the space can also become damaged due to being unable to move around in and properly maintain.

Discreet & Comprehensive Hoarding Cleanup

If you are here because you have chosen to help someone in this situation, we thank you for being willing to help. We are aware that the process can become frustrating as the thought of de-cluttering or disposal of hoarded items can be upsetting to the person who has collected them. No matter the situation, BioteamOR will address your individual needs with professionalism and compassion.


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Hoarding Cleanup Process

Often times, friends and family members are unaware of the extent of the issue until it becomes unmanageable by the individual who is hoarding items. Embarrassment will sometimes prevents people from allowing others to see their home, which is how things can spiral out of control.

  • Hazard Assessment – Every situation is unique, so a technician will come do a personalized assessment to estimate the scope of work required. The timeline of work can vary depending on the willingness of the people involved and may require the assistance of a professional organizer. Our focus is on reducing the amount of hazardous debris and making the home sanitary and safe again.

  • Safety during Cleanup – Due to the many unknown factors of hoarding cleanup, our technicians will use PPE including masks or respirators, gloves, and hazmat suits when necessary. Once the removal process begins, there is a possibility of uncovering new hazards that would have to be addressed accordingly. Some of these hazards can include: infestations, dead animals, mold, drug paraphernalia, and sharp or broken items.

  • Disposal – All unsalvageable items that are removed will be transported to the appropriate waste treatment facilities. The removal/disposal phase can be emotionally taxing on the resident and family. Once the volume of hoarded items is reduced, an additional assessment will need to be conducted in order to best plan the further cleaning and sanitization of the home.

Related Services

Bodily Fluids Cleanup

If there are any body fluids or human waste impacting contents in the home, additional safety precautions and considerations must be taken to complete the cleanup. We always come prepared to deal with any situation that may be uncovered during the cleanout process, and are prepared to do what it takes to get the space to a safe, habitable condition.

Mold Testing & Cleanup

Large piles of belongings or items in a home can conceal additional problems which can be challenging to identify. Behind newspapers or couches there could be a source of moisture that provides a breeding ground for mold. Improper handling of mold contaminated items could spread the spores and contaminate other parts of the home. If we encounter mold during the cleanup process, we will take the steps needed to address it safely.

Odor Removal

Some hoarding situations may involve unpleasant odors due to the contents of the hoard. Expired food, pet urine, and cigarette smoke contribute to unpleasant odors that can permeate every room in the home. If we encounter a severe odor situation we will take the necessary steps to remove the source and remediate the home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, only if it is safe for you to do so. Any cleaning you would like to do on your own will help get closer to the goal of having a clean, hazard-free home. Using a professional hoarding cleanup company like Bioteam will help reduce the stress and health hazards that may be encountered during the process. Most people are unaccustomed to the emotional, physical, and mental toll from this type of project. Additionally, our team is trained to know the proper PPE necessary for each type of cleanup, which means we will be focused on keeping you and ourselves safe.

Calling BioteamOR for a free consultation is the best first step! After that, we will help outline the scope of work and address the things you can do to help the process move forward smoothly. Learning proper safety precautions, creating a list of “must-find” items, pre-sorting areas/rooms with belongings to be kept or removed, and marking larger items with painters tape to designate the same are all ways to communicate with your cleanup team

BioteamOR serves much of western Oregon, including Eugene, Salem, and the Portland metro area.

Please reach out to the HOA to find out if a dumpster can be placed on-site. Having a dumpster readily available will speed up the process and may help reduce costs. We can help facilitate the dumpster service and schedule supplementary removal services and/or focus solely on the cleanup afterwards.

Each hoarded home is different, so we will need to conduct a hazard assessment to determine how to start. If we feel you can be present without encountering any health hazards, we can accommodate that request. The more communication we have prior to the start of our work, the easier the process will be. If we need to stop and check if each item is being kept or removed, the longer the work will take and the more expensive the project will become.