Oregon’s Biohazard Cleaners

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  • Available 24 Hours A Day

Odor Removal Service Overview

The sense of smell is believed to have the strongest connection to memory of any of the human senses. Smells like the ocean breeze or your favorite food may evoke a positive memory. Unfortunately, there are other aromas that can be just as powerful and equally unpleasant.
Pet urine or feces, cigarette smoke, food odors, and body odor are a few of the odors that can attach themselves to our homes, vehicles, and property. These odors can affect your mood and your sense of taste. Living with them can be unbearable, and properly dealing with them can be a challenge.
  • What is the source of the odor?

  • Will the source of the odor remain the the home after treatment?
  • How large of a space will we be treating?
  • Are there popcorn/acoustic ceilings?
  • What type of flooring is in the property?

These questions provide us with valuable insight into how to treat the odor itself and also conditions that may be contributing to it.


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Odor Removal Process

Once we have identified the source of the odor and assessed the scope of the work required, the odor removal process can begin.

  • Remove Primary Odor Source – Obvious sources of odor, such as litter boxes, ashtrays, spoiled food, or soiled linens, are typically easy to identify. However, some cases may require a more thorough investigation.

  • Treatment or Removal of Secondary Odor Sources – These are often porous items that have absorbed the odor due to their proximity to the primary source. We employ appropriate treatments such as laundering clothes, bedding, curtains, etc., that retain the odor and proper disposal of soiled carpets or flooring.

  • Clean Impacted Areas – The cleaning technique will depend on the cause of the odor:

    • Cat urine contains uric acid which must be neutralized and removed.
    • Mold needs to be destroyed using appropriate fungicides.
    • Odors from human waste can be eliminated using enzymes before continuing sanitization and disinfection.

Our odor removal techniques are supported by scientifically-proven products and our professional training. Our goal is to restore your home or business to a neutral odor state, rather than relying on masking agents or air fresheners employed by other companies to cover up malodors. Our odor remediation services address the root cause of the odor, providing long-lasting relief to your senses – contact us at (503) 461-4083 for assistance.

Related Services

Mold Testing & Cleanup

If the unpleasant odors are caused by mold growth, an indoor air quality test should be conducted. This will help identify the specific type of mold involved, allowing us to deliver the most effective and targeted remediation service.

Vehicle Cleanup

Vehicles can harbor persistent odors that cling to clothing and make even short trips unpleasant. Our technicians are trained and equipped to help you deal with the variety of smells that can get stuck in automobiles, watercraft, and even planes!

Hoarding Cleanup

A hoarded home creates potential for a variety of mystery odors. The first step in treatment is to discover the source of the smell. No matter what is taking up space in the home, we can help with the entire process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, but only for a time. There are many products that can help encapsulate smoke odors, but after a while those options will dry out and crack which allows the odors to seep back out. Cigarette smoke residue on the walls needs to be properly removed before painting can begin.

Cat urine is a difficult odor to eliminate without professional help. If there are still cats living in the home, they will continue to mark in the areas where they can still smell old urine. If the area in question is semi-porous and is left untreated or improperly treated, the area will become saturated and unsalvageable. Building materials and furnishings may need to be removed depending on the scope of impact. An assessment will help us determine the best course of action and treatment.

No. First of all, please don’t be embarrassed. Second of all, we are not here to judge, we are here to help.

BioteamOR serves much of western Oregon, including Eugene, Salem, and the Portland metro area.